


I have long been fascinated by the beauty and spirituality of icons. The first icons I saw were in orthodox churches in New York. Later, I saw them in Athens and in homes on the island of Mykonos. 
I am amazed by the power and beauty of Mr. Niestoj's work. His icons are not only elegant but created with remarkable talent and precision. While looking at them, you are drawn into another world, almost hearing God's voice. I believe his work will be appreciated and recognized for centuries and identified by his thumbprint embedded in the finishing layers of varnish. 
Thomas E.
Scottsdale, AZ


The opinions of those who order my icons are of great value to me. They are free to express their opinions. The client's opinions are never edited in any way. What is written flows from the heart of the client. Your responses to my work connect me in a spiritual sense and can be motivational for my work.  My biggest reward is your appreciation and recommendation to others


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